Report of abuse and illegal content.
How to report
Please submit issues regarding the abuse of our services including, but not limited to; illegal activity, the exploitation of children, spam, copyrights, phishing and malware. We also have zero tolerance for spam activity as indicated in our AntiSpam policy. Our experts will review in the shortest possible time all complaints for validity and will take appropriate action, and as part of our investigation it may also be necessary for us to corroborate your complaint with our customer.Only reports in english will be considered
Please be aware that we may only respond to you for further information or clarification on your complaint.
Please click a category from the list below
Inappropriate Content
You wish to report violent, disturbing or inappropriate content
You will be asked to provide the URL of the offending material.
Failure to provide the specific location on the site of the offending content may result in our inability to conduct an effective investigation
You are receiving unsolicited email, text messages, or comments
If you have receieved spam email, please make sure to provide the entirety of the incrimiating email, including the headers sometimes called the "message source". The spam category also includes non-legitamite bulk messages sent on forums.
You wish to report a site involved in distributing a virus or other malware, or found a site supporting hacking or cracking
This category includes hosting viruses or malware on a server, and all hosting of malicious code especially JavaScript files enabling exploitation of browser vulnerabilities. Please include the URL where the malicious content can be downloaded from.
Trademark Infringement
Someone copied your content or trademark.
To be considered effective, a notification of a claimed trademark violation must include the following information:
You are receiving emails or have been sent to a website requesting personal informaton
Please select the option that best describes what you would like to report. If you are unsure of what selection you should make, please review what is fishing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phishing) help article before proceeding
We do not allow illegal content on our customer's websites. However, as a service provider, it is not our place to determine if the site you have mentioned is actually engaging in illegal activities.